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    QHHT is a groundbreaking hypnosis technique introduced by the world renowned author and hypnotist Dolores Cannon. She has more than 45 years experience in getting to the core of human purpose. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique has the capacity to allow clients to experience life changing events like no other method. QHHT takes you places that you have never consciously been aware of, but has affected your life since you were born. 

     QHHT is most beneficial for anyone who accepts a metaphysical concept of existence and reality and desires to dig deep into their origins of life's purpose. It delves into the concept of past lives that only the subconscious has access to. The hypnotist will guide you through a veil of mystery and discovery. If you really want to know the who, what, why, and how of your existence, of your origins, of your purpose, then QHHT is the place to be.

    The technique is really quite simple, but very deep and insightful. Therefore, the whole process takes a bit longer than a standard hypnosis session, approximately 3-5 hours or more. However, you may get more out this single session than any other. Often the client only needs one session. Whereas other modalities may require many more.

    QHHT can also have a significant impact on any health related issues. Clients often feel as though they've been renewed and reinvigorated after a session as though they have been restored by a source deeper than they could imagine. Although nothing is ever guaranteed, we'll let the experience speak for itself.    


(Due to the nature and attention that a QHHT session requires, they must be scheduled well in advance and cancellation policies are strictly adhered to.)

University of Earth™


     5-PATH® is a transformational process that helps improve the individuals self worth through hypnotic induction. It is designed to open up the subconscious mind to allow positive suggestions for self improvement. This 5-Phase Advanced Transformational Hypnosis® technique systematically addresses deep seeded issues that make the client feel as though they have no control over their habits or behaviors. 5-PATH® can help alleviate those erroneous thoughts and beliefs by addressing the root cause of these thoughts and beliefs.

     These sessions are designed to satisfy the clients issues in about 5 sessions however, this is often accomplished in fewer sessions while some may require more sessions due to the nature of the issues. 

7th Path Self-Hypnosis®

7th Path Self-Hypnosis® is a revolutionary holistic form of hypnosis" in that it allows the client to help themselves for self improvement. Whereas the client requires guidance and instruction from the hypnotist for classical hypnosis, 7th Path Self-Hypnosis® gives the client more flexibility because it can be accomplished anywhere the client chooses. It combines hypnotherapeutic suggestions with meditation and sometimes prayer if desired.

     The hypnotist teaches, demonstrates and evaluates the process to the client so that they can remove the blockages of self doubt and open up the channels of positive suggestions and reinforcements.

     This is usually accomplished in a single session and requires additional material to assist the client in performing the session on themselves. 

The University of Earth™ workshop is a revolutionary existential way of describing and understanding your true purpose for living. This place that we call earth, has so many mysteries and unknowns. Long before any scientific method has "proved" anything, it still existed, prior to the proof. This quintessential metaphysical exploration will enlighten the student of the mysteries of life and make life more bearable, understandable and well worth living. Questions will be answered, mysteries solved, theories explained and knowledge received in a way that comforts and motivates the student to ensure they graduate from the University of Earth with flying colors. Here are just some of the questions adressed:


Where did I come from? Why did I come I here? What is my purpose? Why was I born this way? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does evil exist? Where does inspiration come from? What is Deja Vue? Why do I love some people and not others? What is a gut feeling? And many more...


The workshop is 1 day, weekends only and fill up fast. So keep looking for the next available class.  

NOTE: Due to Covid-19 this workshop has been suspended until further notice. 


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